The connections offered through the Nicholas School and its alumni network have been a huge asset towards starting my career journey."
–Ana bishop, Sussman Fellow in the National Marine Fisheries Service’s Protected Species Division – Marine Mammal Branch at NOAA
The possibility of taking classes at other schools was invaluable. As such, Fuqua Client Consulting Practicum led by Dr. Chris Wedding was a priceless preparation for this summer…"
–Dmytro Zlenko, Duke Biodiversity Fellow at National Parks Conservation Association
The Nicholas School's resources, CPDC and the MEM community helped me every step of the way, from finding the internship to understanding how things work in the professional world here in the United States."
–Jenny Jiwon Hyun, Sustainability Intern at Genesys (EDF Climate Corps program)
This experience enabled me to further develop my communication and story-telling skills in the environmental justice space."
–Sophia Palia, Communications Consultant at The Hive Fund for Climate & Gender Justice
The Nic School taught me to critically evaluate different energy technologies through a variety of lenses. It was this skillset that I most relied upon when discussing with our different teams the best way to position our products to potential clients."
–ross fly, intern at 8 Rivers Capital
This internship has given me an opportunity to hone my research and analysis skills, which will prove invaluable in identifying key sources of environmental data, assessing relevant patterns and trends, and drawing valid conclusions as a basis for decision-making."
–Will Baughman, Stanback Conservation Research Fellow at the Park Institute of America
Summer Experience Report
For students, an internship offers an opportunity to gain practical skills, contribute to solving real-world problems, and expand your network. For organizations, hosting an intern represents a chance to get fresh ideas, find future job candidates, and benefit from our students’ diverse backgrounds and experience. Check out the most recent summer experience report to see a list of Duke Environment students' internship placements.
Unearth the Possibilities
The Master of Environmental Management (MEM) is a flexible two-year professional master's degree for students who want to make an impact in meaningful careers at the intersection of policy, science and community.